Tuesday, February 10, 2009



Here is what i think should happen with the phenomenal athletes that played during the "steroid era" and pete rose and shoeless joe jackson. PUT THEM IN THE HALL if they had the numbers.

Steroid era players:
Barry Bonds because he was a great player just didn't like the media which turns out are the people who vote for the hall of fame members. His numbers puts him with the greats of all time. Steroids didn't help him hit the ball or see the spin on a curve.

Roger Clemens: great pitcher and should be in the hall. he had to learn and know every weakness in a hitter, how to throw different pitches. steroids doesn't help that.

Mark McGwire: NO HALL FOR HIM. i just don't like him.

AROD: in the hall cuz he will be the greatest player of all time. and the person who released his tests results is fraud he took the test because it was anonymous and results were to NEVER be released

Hall of Fame voters who don't vote for people cuz they took roids is just plain stupid. Honestly, sure they cheated, but so did alot of other players. so essentially the competition was still on a level playing field. and the terrible players who took steroids were still terrible players. so steroids don't make the player. the player already had the skills to be a star and a hall of famer.

Don't get me wrong, i'm glad the steroids era is over and baseball is doing something about. Now the game is fun to watch again. Speed wins games not bulked up guys who hit dingers and strike out alot.

Pete Rose: look at his stats as a player hall material. he bet on games as a Manager not a player so put him in as a player.

Shoeless Joe: stats are hall material as well, served a life time ban, seriously how can some serve a life time ban when he is DEAD. bud selig is a moron and needs to read the definition on LIFE TIME, last time i checked in order to have a LIFE you need to be ALIVE.

what do you guys think?


Josh Huff said...

i have to agree that roids don't make a bad player good. at the same time i lose a lot of respect for the guys who lie about, which is why the whole arod thing doesn't affect my opinion about it. come on guys, it was the roid era, we know you took it, just admit it... still, put them in the hall... as far as pete rose, absolutely! not just cuz i'm a reds fan, the dude is the all time hits leader he can't be in the hall for what he did as a manager? please

Anonymous said...

I agree with a lot of your thoughts. It was a lot of the same writers denying votes to steroid users who put so much emphasis on statistics. Then the fans start to look for it, and creates the need for many players to begin using.

I would leave Bonds out, however, as he couldn't throw out Sid Bream in the '91 NLCS and the Pirates haven't won since.