Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Your 2009 Cleveland Indians Pre Season guide and season predictions

The Indians have finally added an above average closer, and a phenomenal bullpen to get the ball to wood. But they have a terrible starting rotation, terrible outfield outside of grady sizemore, below average infield besides mark derosa and victor when at first. Johnny Peralta is to slow for his position, AsCab can't hit, and the DH Pronk forgot how to hit the long ball. Choo is decent the best outfielder after sizemore. Francisco is okay, and i am better than dellucci. so i predict it won't take long before we see matt laporta and trevor crowe in cleveland. AsCab struggling, Wedge puts in Josh Barfield who ends up hitting .302 with 60 RBI's. Crowe becomes the lead off hitter bumping grady to third.

Its hard to be excited about this team because of the lack of starting pitchers, last year it was a strength this year weakness. Cliff Lee will win 20 games and win the cy young again. fausto will win 17 and return to form of '07. Pavano maybe wins 13 games and the last two rotation spots combine to win 25 games. So if my predictions are right that is 75 wins. which thankfully our bullpen will come in the fifth inning and dominate and win 15 more games for us which gets to 90. so the tribe has a 90 win season and makes the playoffs by beating the twins in a one game playoff which i better get tickets to if it actually happens.

So here are my predictions for all of baseball

AL East Champs: New York Yankees
AL Central Champs: Cleveland Indians
AL West Champs: Oakland A's
AL Wild Card: Tampa Bay

AL MVP: Grady Sizemore for 40/40/40 season homers/steals/amazing plays (yes he is my man crush)

finally all the reds fans that jumped on the red sox bandwagon will have to shut the heck up.

NL East Champs: New York Mets Santana wins Cy Young
NL Central Champs: Chicago Cubs
NL West Champs: San Francisco Giants just look at their starting rotation.
NL Wild Card: Philadelphia Phillies (Just for Stroop)

NL MVP: Brandon Phillips for his 40/40 season

Reds greatly improve this season by winning 86 games coming short of the NL Central. Harang doesn't bounce back like Huff predicted and is the sole reason they missed the playoffs by 3 games. He goes 6-15 with an ERA of 4.50. arroyo finishes runner up in the CY Young voting after winning 19 games with an ERA of 2.89. Unfortunately for Bronson, Johann Santana has a season of a lifetime by going 45-0 with an era of 1.67.

First round of playoffs: Yankees vs Indians Yankees win 3-1
A's vs Rays Rays win 3-1
Mets vs Giants Giants win 3-1
Cubs vs Phillies Phillies win 3-2

Championship series: Yankees vs Rays Yankees win 4-3
Giants vs Phillies Giants win 4-2

WORLD SERIES: Giants vs Yankees Giants win 4-3

Tim Lincecum MVP of playoffs

There you have it folks the greatest predicter of all time has finally made his predictions.

WEDGE GETS FIRED AT THE END OF THE SEASON and the indians hold open interviews for anyone who wants the job. I apply and interview and get hired. So i won't be making anymore bold predictions just straight up stuff about the team next year.

Friday, February 13, 2009

steroids revisited

this pretty much sums up my thoughts Thanks mr. Cy Young 2008 Cliff Lee

"I just have a problem with how they're going so far in the past and bringing up old things. If you're doing it now, you're going to get caught. There's no way around it. I have a problem with how people think it's still an issue when it's not anymore. It's time to move on and just let the past be the past. It's over with, as far as I'm concerned."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009



Here is what i think should happen with the phenomenal athletes that played during the "steroid era" and pete rose and shoeless joe jackson. PUT THEM IN THE HALL if they had the numbers.

Steroid era players:
Barry Bonds because he was a great player just didn't like the media which turns out are the people who vote for the hall of fame members. His numbers puts him with the greats of all time. Steroids didn't help him hit the ball or see the spin on a curve.

Roger Clemens: great pitcher and should be in the hall. he had to learn and know every weakness in a hitter, how to throw different pitches. steroids doesn't help that.

Mark McGwire: NO HALL FOR HIM. i just don't like him.

AROD: in the hall cuz he will be the greatest player of all time. and the person who released his tests results is fraud he took the test because it was anonymous and results were to NEVER be released

Hall of Fame voters who don't vote for people cuz they took roids is just plain stupid. Honestly, sure they cheated, but so did alot of other players. so essentially the competition was still on a level playing field. and the terrible players who took steroids were still terrible players. so steroids don't make the player. the player already had the skills to be a star and a hall of famer.

Don't get me wrong, i'm glad the steroids era is over and baseball is doing something about. Now the game is fun to watch again. Speed wins games not bulked up guys who hit dingers and strike out alot.

Pete Rose: look at his stats as a player hall material. he bet on games as a Manager not a player so put him in as a player.

Shoeless Joe: stats are hall material as well, served a life time ban, seriously how can some serve a life time ban when he is DEAD. bud selig is a moron and needs to read the definition on LIFE TIME, last time i checked in order to have a LIFE you need to be ALIVE.

what do you guys think?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

like whoa

So my wife is watching the 90210... i'm not really interested so i figured i'd give this thing an update.

Malachi 3:8-11

8 “Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How do we rob you?’
“In tithes and offerings.
9 You are under a curse—the whole nation of you—because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit,” says the Lord Almighty.

So Heather and I have discussed about tithing. We know its the right thing to do. But seeing how much tithe, it would pay for my classes that i am going to take. It would seem to make things easier. But yet at church, we started a Poured Out Fund, where we pledge to give more than just tithing and that money will go towards helping others. For five weeks there was a mention of it before every service and the goal was to reach $25,000.
After the first service the church donated $9,000, pretty amazing stuff. But the weeks that followed were as productive, the following climbed to 13,000 then 17,000 with only two more weeks left. Heather and I had yet to give anything.

In our heads we had an amount that we thought we would give for a couple weeks but hadn't pledged yet. So with that amount in my head I thought, there is no way that small amount could make a difference in reaching the goal. They had to be other people to give and they would make up for us. But like stated earlier with only two weeks left were 8,000 short, so our pledge couldn't bring us all that closer to the goal.

Flashback to younger days: I had once heard that you can't outgive God, that whatever you give he'll do even more than you could imagine. Just like what verse 10 states Test him, and he'll open the flood gates of heaven.

So being selfish i always thought well i'll give my entire savings account and let Him bless me in ways unimaginable. I always that tithing and giving money God blessed ME.

well with two weeks heather and i decided to pledge. In my head I was testing God. I thought lets see you open the flood gates and bless ME and MY wife. we pledged an extra $300 for the year, which is a pretty big deal for us.

The following week we found out that the church not only reached the goal but passed it. at first i thought cool we passed our goal, and if we didn't pledge $300 we still would of passed it. but the next morning in the shower i got to thinking on this. Thought that God did open his flood gates and out gave me. I tried my best and he still out gave. I gave $300 he gave over $8000. He crushed me. yea i know that other people gave, but didn't God have to place on their hearts to give, like He did to us.

Instead of blessing ME like i was expecting, He blessed what we were giving for.

stupid selfishness

o yea good news i get to go skiing monday and i am officially prestige in call of duty world at war and i hate fifa i think the game cheats.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas and New Years

So here I am... writing... and have used six periods for five words well now 13. oh well

Christmas was good, it was fun being able to hang out with heathers family and my family. I was thankful that my family came down to see the apartment and got hang out with us. It was a swell time. Heather got me a xbox 360 (scubbasteve9 on xbox live) and a pair of puma shoes. I have been spending a lot of time using both of them. I got ten games for christmas which is alot. oh and i got my catalytic converter stolen which is fun... i just hope it went to a good cause like the person stole it cuz they needed money for food or something. well thats what i am going to believe why they stole it. but its ok i forgive them.

New years came and went and well zero resolutions for me. why you ask (well maybe you didn't but i will answer as if you did) if i set a resolution or two and fail to meet them i get depressed so how can i get depressed over something i didn't resolute to do or not do. besides resoluting to give up something just makes the desire to want that much worse.

so anyways... i have been pondering about things but i haven't really sorted them all out yet but maybe some time soon i will. and i need a job again.

"remember kid hero's are remembered but legends never die." name that movie

till next time stay classy san diego

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

thoughts and incapabilities #2

So after reading my cousins blog ( you can thank me later for the plug or i can charge you fifty cents everytime i mention your blog) anyways, it got me thinking about church and how lucky heather and i are to have found a great church. Its amazing to find out that if the local school district hears or finds out about someone being in need of help comes to our church cuz they know the church will help out in anyway possible. Its also amazing that our church isn't a building its us, i mean we do have a building, but pastor chad and john consistently remind us the we are the church and we are called to spread the good news.
To be honest while at school, we were learning on how to do all this stuff but i never saw a church actually do what we were being taught, this includes going to the churches of the profs, and now i've found one that does and it excites me, in fact i've spent the last 10 min. trying to describe the way feel but i can't do it.

another thought i have is that i am actually excited about indians baseball again. this past fall watching post season baseball, then reading about them kinda got down on them. cuz the coaching staff is pathetic, the gm is terrible and the owner doesn't want to spend money. but recent news says that we are close to signing kerry wood, which would be amazing if he stays healthy. but signing him prolly means no more moves which is bad cuz we need another decent starter and a good infielder, but oh well this one move gets me happy for baseball again.

i'm tired of winter already, i'm wanna go outside and take bp or golf or just walk around a park and enjoy warm weather

i finally got a job at toys r us wooohooo

incapability: being an all out browns/osu/cavs fan don't get me wrong i like them all but i just not a gynormous fan like i am of the tribe

incapability: playing soccer in real life

incapability: enjoying winter

Thursday, December 4, 2008

thoughts and incapabilities #1

First thought of the blog, the indians really need to do something this offseason
Two thought of the blog, i really need a job
three thought of the blog, i need to finish school as well

first incapability winning the alien bowl
two incapability, spelling incapability correctly over and over again
three incapapbility dance

that is all there is to that today.