Tuesday, December 9, 2008

thoughts and incapabilities #2

So after reading my cousins blog (mustardrevolution.blogspot.com you can thank me later for the plug or i can charge you fifty cents everytime i mention your blog) anyways, it got me thinking about church and how lucky heather and i are to have found a great church. Its amazing to find out that if the local school district hears or finds out about someone being in need of help comes to our church cuz they know the church will help out in anyway possible. Its also amazing that our church isn't a building its us, i mean we do have a building, but pastor chad and john consistently remind us the we are the church and we are called to spread the good news.
To be honest while at school, we were learning on how to do all this stuff but i never saw a church actually do what we were being taught, this includes going to the churches of the profs, and now i've found one that does and it excites me, in fact i've spent the last 10 min. trying to describe the way feel but i can't do it.

another thought i have is that i am actually excited about indians baseball again. this past fall watching post season baseball, then reading about them kinda got down on them. cuz the coaching staff is pathetic, the gm is terrible and the owner doesn't want to spend money. but recent news says that we are close to signing kerry wood, which would be amazing if he stays healthy. but signing him prolly means no more moves which is bad cuz we need another decent starter and a good infielder, but oh well this one move gets me happy for baseball again.

i'm tired of winter already, i'm wanna go outside and take bp or golf or just walk around a park and enjoy warm weather

i finally got a job at toys r us wooohooo

incapability: being an all out browns/osu/cavs fan don't get me wrong i like them all but i just not a gynormous fan like i am of the tribe

incapability: playing soccer in real life

incapability: enjoying winter

1 comment:

Josh Huff said...

yo, i feel ya on the incapability of enjoying winter!! its baseball time! WBC '09 is almost here! if 11 weeks and 6 days counts as almost