Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas and New Years

So here I am... writing... and have used six periods for five words well now 13. oh well

Christmas was good, it was fun being able to hang out with heathers family and my family. I was thankful that my family came down to see the apartment and got hang out with us. It was a swell time. Heather got me a xbox 360 (scubbasteve9 on xbox live) and a pair of puma shoes. I have been spending a lot of time using both of them. I got ten games for christmas which is alot. oh and i got my catalytic converter stolen which is fun... i just hope it went to a good cause like the person stole it cuz they needed money for food or something. well thats what i am going to believe why they stole it. but its ok i forgive them.

New years came and went and well zero resolutions for me. why you ask (well maybe you didn't but i will answer as if you did) if i set a resolution or two and fail to meet them i get depressed so how can i get depressed over something i didn't resolute to do or not do. besides resoluting to give up something just makes the desire to want that much worse.

so anyways... i have been pondering about things but i haven't really sorted them all out yet but maybe some time soon i will. and i need a job again.

"remember kid hero's are remembered but legends never die." name that movie

till next time stay classy san diego


Walsh said...

dude thats the sandlot

Josh Huff said...

and the second one is anchorman! ready for baseball season?? almost time!!

Matt said...

remember that one time you played 32 hours of XBOX360 since Christmas?